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Excited but have some questions? We have tried to answer the most common ones below, but please contact us with any further questions on


Q. What makes Singles Socials' matchmaking service different from dating Apps?

A. The type of person for a start, our service is a paid for one so your a likely to find the people using it are genuinely looking for a relationship. People looking for causal hook up's won't pay to find them when there are free Apps. Unlike dating apps, Singles Socials One 2 One Dating offers a personalized and curated matchmaking experience. Our team of professional matchmakers takes the time to understand your unique preferences, values, and aspirations, ensuring that your matches are tailored to your individual needs.


Q. How are potential matches selected for members?

A. Our experienced matchmakers use a meticulous process to select potential matches. We consider factors such as compatibility, shared interests, and relationship goals. This personalized approach ensures that each introduction has the potential for a meaningful connection. We don't just use a computer algorithm!


Q. How does Singles Socials ensure the confidentiality of its members?

A. At Singles Socials, confidentiality is paramount. We have strict privacy measures in place, and our team is dedicated to safeguarding your personal information. Rest assured that your journey with us is handled with the utmost discretion and professionalism.


Q. How does Singles Socials support members throughout their dating journey?

A. We provide ongoing support to our members through personalized matchmaking, dating advice, and regular check-ins. The timing of these depends on your membership level. But our team is always here to guide you at every stage of your dating journey, ensuring that you feel supported and empowered.


Q. What is a Match?

A. A match is considered to be a person who fits your requirements and demographic.


Q. What if I don't feel a connection with my match?

A. We understand that not every match may lead to a connection. If you don't feel a spark after an introduction, our team is here to gather feedback and refine our approach. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we are committed to continuously improving your experience.


Q. Can I choose the level of membership that best suits my preferences and budget?

A. Absolutely. We offer three distinct membership levels: Discovery, Premier, and Elite. Each level provides a different set of benefits to cater to your preferences and budget. Explore our membership options to find the one that aligns best with your dating goals. 


Q. How can I get started?

A. To get started, simply join the waiting list on our website, we will be in touch to schedule your personalized matchmaking session. After this session we will confirm acceptance of your application and you can choose the membership level that suits you best. Your journey to meaningful connections begins with Singles Socials and One 2 One Dating.



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